Category: Computers

Game review 12/17/20

Photo from photos for class.

This is going to be my first game review. More to come! Ok for this game review I am going to be reviewing Rocket League. Rocket league is a soccer game but it is played with cars. Weird right? So for graphics I’m going to give this game a 7/10 because they could have made the cars look more realistic. For gameplay I’m going to give this a 9/10 because it has so many great features. For price I’m going to give this a 10/10 because it is free and it is a great game for free. For multiplayer I’m going to give this a 10/10 because the skill based matchmaking is on and you hardly ever disconnect from the match. For fps I’m going to give this a 10/10 because I am able to run this game at Max for while keeping good graphics. For the leveling system/challenges I’m going to give this a 10/10 because you are able to level up fast doing challenges and you can do challenges to get a lot of free rewards. So overall I will give this game a 9/10 rating.

How to choose the perfect monitor

Photo from photos for class

In this post I’m going to be telling you guys how to pick a monitor. 1) resolution. Resolution is not the most important thing here but whatever, first ask yourself “what am I going to be doing with this monitor?” If you picked movie watching, I would recommend going with 4k but 1080p is standard. If you picked gaming or regular stuff like school/work I would recommend going with 1080p or 1440p because of the next option. 2) Hertz. Hertz is the refresh rate your monitor runs on. (You are going to want to pick at least 60 Hertz)   if you are doing office or school stuff then I would recommend going with 60 Hertz to be on the cheaper side. If you are movie watching I would recommend at least 120 Hertz to get a smooth experience. If you are gaming I would recommend 144 Hertz an up. 3) response time. Response time is how fast your monitor responds to whatever you are running it on. First of all under 4 milliseconds response time is what you are going to want to do for movie watching and office/school because no one likes input lag, right? If you are going to be gaming then I would recommend 1 millisecond and under response time for an advantage in the gaming world. 4) RGB spectrum, quality and price. I’m fitting all of these into one category because there is not that much to talk about. You are going to want your RGB spectrum to be as close to 100% as possible for a lot of color for any setup, you should always look for good quality monitors from brands like dell, Alienware, HP, LG, Samsung, ViewSonic, Sceptre, Asus and acer. Then pricing, just pick a reasonable price, ok? That’s all I have to say about that. 5) size. Size is how big your monitor is (duh) and I would recommend at least 21 inches for office/school at least 25 inches for gaming and at least 27 for movie watching. I’m going to include links to monitors for school/work gaming and movie watching below.

Work/school (good deal)


Movie watching (a bit expensive)








The Perfect Keyboard

Photo from photos for class

  In this post I’m going to walk you through picking the perfect keyboard.

First thing you are going to want to do is pick your price range, so picking your price range is important if you want to have a decently priced affordable keyboard, I would recommend a $50-$200 keyboard  Because they are affordable and most are durable and high quality.


Second thing you want to do is to figure out your use for the keyboard, for example mine is going to be for gaming so I would search for “gaming keyboards”If you are not going to be using your keyboard for gaming then just search “keyboard.”


Third thing you want to do is choose the feel for your keyboard, so if you want a nice keyboard for gaming I would recommend a mechanical keyboard but if you get annoyed by having that clicky noise all the time then I would recommend a mechanical keyboard. After you choose the type of keyboard you want choose the size, choosing sizing is important if you want to save space, I would recommend a 60 percent keyboard for gaming and a 100 percent keyboard for regular use, what I’m referring to by “percent” is the size of the keyboard. After you pick the size pick the keycaps and switches you are going to want to pick nice feeling keycaps for your keyboard so you can be comfortable while using it, then pick your switches, switches are what controls the response time, noise, and travel rate. I would recommend blue switches for a mechanical keyboard because they have good travel rate, good response time, and low noise levels.

Fourth thing you need to do is to figure out the look of the keyboard you want so if you want RGB then search up and RGB keyboard and then the color you want if you don’t want RGB then just search up the color of your choice keyboard.


After you have done all that then create a search listing all those things, for example my search was “black RGB mechanical gaming keyboard 60% with blue switches” and then pick your price range options on whichever site you are buying from.

Screenshot taken by me

Here is the link to that specific keyboard.